Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So close... yet so far, far away.

Long ago in a galaxy far, far away... There stood one person who had not seen Star Wars. This is her story.

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.


Brandon and Becca said...

Nailed it! That's totally hilarious. Man, if she could've just told me all that before I saw it, I could've saved so much time! I dig Leah's gold suit and the clarification of "Hans Solo."

Beth said...

I'm emailing this post out to all I know. My kids are going to laugh their heads off at this b/c they're Star Wars fanatics.
Good post!!!

Clarissa and Darrin said...

That is the coolest thing ever, I can't wait to show Darrin. I am impressed of how much she did know for never seeing the film. I have to admit I had never seen the movies before Darrin, hmmm and I am still wishing I had never seen them. I know , how did we end up together.:)

Danica said...

Haha, thats so funny! Hey, so I got a new blog up! Not much yet, but we'll see. At least its better than what I had before!