Wednesday, October 12, 2011

April = Birthday's, Weddings, Easter and Cute Kids!!

April is always kind of a crazy month for us. We have Joe's birthday, My birthday, Easter, Conference and a smattering of other things to do. This year there was another birthday to add to the mix and a wedding as well! Phew...lots going on to say the least.

This year was Jack's first Easter and he got to hunt around to find out where that tricky bunny hid his basket. 

It took him a while but with some help he found his basket and his fluffy bunny. We of course "helped" him eat any chocolate that was in his basket. 
Later that day we had lots of family and friends over for Easter dinner and the traditional bunny cake.

The wedding we went to was for our good friends Heather and Isaiah who were getting sealed in the temple. They chose the date because it was their 5th wedding anniversary. It was so special to watch especially with Kaylee in her little white dress. Aren't they a beautiful family!!

The birthday we added to the mix was our friends Amy and Sam's son Parker. His birthday was robot themed and looked pretty awesome. Jack and I were so glad we could be there for Parker's First Birthday!

Well that was pretty much April for us. Next adventure is Florida... :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

J-man and Chelsey's Wedding (March 12th 2011)

Yay, I'm finally not the only one of my siblings that is married anymore... no pressure on single siblings. We were all very exited for Jordan and Chelsey's wedding so much that Jack and I came down a week early to see everyone.

So let's talk about Jack's first plane ride. Joe couldn't come down early with us so it was just going to be Jack and I flying alone on the plane. Luckily security allowed Joe to walk us to the gate before our flight took off. It was a lot harder to go smoothly through security with all of the extra things you need for a child but we made it on the plane just fine.

Once we were on the plane Jack was next to the window then me of course and this nice gentleman was sitting next to me. (I'll tell you why he was nice in a minute) Jack didn't cry at all during take off and was angelic in the air. I figured I had better change him about halfway through the flight, so I went to the front of the plane where the bathroom/ changing table was and pulled at his pants and got feces on my hand... so I had to walk all the way back to my seat reach over my neighbor grab a change of clothes and garbage sack and walk all the way back up to change Jack. To say the least it was MESSY!!
After we landed the guy sitting next on me helped me with my bag (which he could have stolen and I couldn't have kept up) and I was in UTAH!

We had so much fun we saw my cousin Kirsten and her husband Britton and their two cute daughters who just loved Jack, we ate at one of my favorite restaurants with Nicole and saw Audrey and David and their two lovely girls.


Jordan had bought Joe a shirt and tie that went with the wedding colors and a little tie for jackson but we couldn't find a brown shirt to go with it. So Joe and his mom ended up dying a white one and I think it turned out pretty good huh!

After a long trip and a really easy plane ride home (I think it was because Joe was on that flight) Jackson was plum tuckered out. Sweet boy.

We can't wait to see everyone again in June for the reunion!!